Well hello there.
You may have noticed it already.
I’ve been looking at getting website posts on here as Discord posts.
This way I only have to type these messages once and publish both on my website as well as on Discord.
So it took a lot of fiddling and looking at the documentation. But I think it works now. There may be some small things I have to tweak. But apart from that I should now be able to publish all my devlogs to my website. Making this a bit more accessible for others.
It also means all things I say in these logs will be publicly available. So I have to be a bit more careful now. My struggles will also be more public, but I think it’s important to share those as well. Hopefully at the end of the project or in a couple of years time I can look back at this and see how much I’ve improved.
I did actually work on the tilemap again.
Moved the code to it’s own file.
Was surprised how simple it was.
I mean it was not the first time.
But pick any C++ project from the internet and try to move a function to an external file.
Good luck getting it to compile again haha
This was just so easy and predictable. I like that!
So the only thing I had time for was changing the brush from a square to an almost circle. I say almost because I noticed two sides had 1 extra pixel. Probably some rounding stuff happening there. We will fix that tomorrow or this weekend.