Continuing the GPS data adventure.
I realized I made a stupid mistake, so the code getting stuck on creating the tilemap was pretty obvious.
After fixing it I set on to start parsing the actual floating point values.
As just parsing everything in front of the decimal doesn’t really help.
The tilemap generator doesn’t really do much when distances between points are 0 meters.
Parsing the floating point values turned out to be not too much work. I don’t think the code is very robust, but it works well enough with the GPS data. The result is pretty stunning to be honest. I am very happy with how the track turns out. It feels very organic and nothing is perfectly straight.
There are parts that are too long. Which need to be fixed by hand I guess or I need to edit the route in Google Maps again. Though I prefer to modify the track in the engine. However I do realise that more work is to be done on the editor tools for that. I need to be able to zoom out, fill in whole parts of chunks, move pieces or almost the whole track around. So if I can’t render the track in one view then I am already screwed.
Though there is another thing I first have to look at. Because to get it to work I had to disable some part of the generation. Visually the track looks okay and usable, but I think it won’t have any collision at this point. So that is something I’ll have to look at. I hope it’s a bug and not that the generation of the collision info takes multiple minutes to produce. I think finding and fixing a bug in that part would be easier and quicker than optimizing it.