Prove Me Wrong
From last time I decided to see how to get only the wall normals to return from the algorithm.
However I first was thinking about if I could prove that this method could work or not.
I then got into the assumption it wouldn’t work.
But in the end I couldn’t prove it.
Even with a normal from the entity itself, the collision would still work correctly.
Debugging, Issues
Not much later after that realization I found myself debugging the code again.
I wanted to get a better overview of it again.
At the end of the train ride I had found several things wrong with the system.
Not a surprise really, but there are so many things that are incorrect.
When you think back to the old version, it also worked with rotation.
So it’s definitely doable.
I have to take it in steps again and actually spend time on it.
Since I haven’t spend enough time on this problem considering the time I had available during the past weeks.
3DS Port
The 3DS port however is going nicely.
One thing left to fix is the shader compilation.
If that is sorted then I should have some very basic rendering working.
From there I can start trying to render quads and actual textured quads.
Pretty excited about that and probably very much on schedule to get a working port ready.
So nothing to complain on that side for a change.